
I Love Being a Koorie Kid Because...

Find out what it means to be a Koorie Kid by downloading the e-book at the bottom of this page.

What is a Koorie?
The word Koorie or Koori is a word used to describe Aboriginal people of South Eastern Australia (in Victoria and New South Wales).

The word comes from the Awabakal word for 'man' or 'people.'

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I love being a Koorie kid Because...

A Koorie Kid is a member of a family, a clan and a first Australian with a connection to Country and responsibilities to those who have come before and those to follow.

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We have the opportunity to learn, practice and pass on our culture. We do this by knowing who we are and where we come from. This is special because of the strong beliefs that live in the hearts of all Koorie kids living in Victoria.

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I have a huge family who make me laugh until my belly aches, and a whole community of Uncles, Aunties and Cousins to help raise me. Koorie people live for their Kinship group. We are taught from birth to know all our family connections in the Communities.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material. To listen to our Acknowledgement of Country, click here.