Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc. - VAEAI
The Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI) is the peak Koorie community organisation for education and training in Victoria. -
Aborigines Advancement League - AAL
The Aborigines Advancement League (AAL) has been providing support and services to mob for over 60 years. -
Victorian Aboriginal Health Service - VAHS
The Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) has been providing holistic health services and caring for community for over 50 years. -
Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency - VACCA
VACCA is the lead Aboriginal child and family welfare organisation in Victoria. -
Yoorrook for Justice - Understanding the report
Content Warning: This article contains potentially distressing material for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Children and young people should speak with a trusted adult before reading. -
First Nations Calisthenics
Uncle Archie’s voice bellows loud through the auditorium’s speakers as Breanna Lee’s voice takes over singing ‘Took the children away’. -
TREATY – May 2023 Update
The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria has been active since 2019 after many years of discussions, consultations, and roadshows. Since the induction they have been busy working to further treaty efforts for Vic mob. -
A Voice to Parliament
The Australian government has announced a referendum, likely to take place at the end of this year, amending the Australian constitution to include a First Nations Voice to Parliament. -
Gunditjmara Native Title Win
On the 30th of March 2007, the Gunditjmara people were granted Native Title for approximately 140,000 hectares of land, rivers, reserves, national parks, creeks and sea. -
Yoorrook Justice Commission
The Yoorrook commission is Aboriginal-led and is the first truth-telling body to be established in Australia. -
Cultural Centres
A collection of Cultural Centres to visit in Victoria. -
Cultural Walks & Spaces
Connect to country. Walk in the footsteps of our old people. -
World's Indigenous Peoples Day
World's Indigenous Peoples Day is held each year on August 9. The day aims to draw attention to the cultures and struggles of Indigenous Peoples around the world and highlight the global movement for Indigenous rights. -
Self-Determination and Treaty
Self-determination is about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people having control over our lives and Communities. A treaty is an agreement between two groups about sharing land and resources. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been fighting for treaty as an important way of achieving self-determination. -
Treaties in Other Countries
There has never been a treaty between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and colonial governments in Australia. In other British settler colonies (where the colonisers came to stay), such as Aotearoa/New Zealand and Turtle Island/North America, there have been treaties negotiated with Indigenous peoples. -
Standing Strong
Standing Strong - Aboriginal resistance and the strength of our culture -
Stolen Generation Marker Launch
On the 26th of May this year, community gathered from across Melbourne for the launch of the Stolen Generation Marker in the Atherton Gardens in Fitzroy. -
ANZAC Day & Aboriginal Service People
We acknowledge all our people who fought for their Country against invasion and colonisation and those who have fought overseas. We acknowledge those who lost their lives. -
Child's Voice
Children can become invisible, their voice unheard, when our work is crises driven and our focus is on carers and parents. Hearing a child's voice relies on listening, understanding and acting wisely on what they say. Only this allows us to respond to each child's needs, understand their views and encourage them to ask for help when they need it. -
Apology to Australia's Indigenous peoples
The 13th of February 2018 marks the 10th Anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations given by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. This is a significant day for all people of Australia. -
Yarnin' with Bree.
Hey you mob! My names Breanna Browning but most people call me Bree, I am a proud Gunditjmara and Ngarrindjeri woman and I am the Statewide Coordinator for Cultural Planning.