You have now entered your teen years. This is a really exciting time that brings many new experiences to your life! You are now in high school, you really begin to look at your identity and how you see yourself/who you are and also how you want to be seen.
You get to form new friendships and this may be around the time you start your first relationship as well. As a teenager you are given more responsibility over your life as well, whether that be getting to and from school, getting your driver’s license or getting your first job. Your teen years are fun and adventurous but they also help you to prepare for adulthood.
This page will explore the key goals and milestones, challenges and tasks as well as some services you can access that can assist you throughout your teen years!

Image source: Gilimbaa headspace campaign
1. Eat Healthy
Active Tasks
- Identify healthy food options
- Define ‘Sometimes’ food vs. ‘Regular’ food.
- Develop healthy snacking options
- Limit takeaway & junk foods
Supporting Resources
2. Maintain sound Mental Health
Active Tasks
- Understand what it takes to maintain good mental health
- Keep connected with your community
- Identify the people in your circle who you know and trust (could be Aunties/Uncles/older siblings/etc.) and can speak too when you’re feeling down
- Look out for identifiers; ADHD, Autism. Recognise that this manifests differently in boys and girls
- Engage in creative activities. Art, music, painting, photography, filmmaking
- Culturally safe Mental Health Support Services
- Be aware of who the school guidance counsellor is
- Keep safe online; spend time in nourishing, welcoming spaces. Consume positive, uplifting content & entertainment.
Supporting Resources
- Cultural Activities, Arts & Craft
- Cultural Art & Crafts
- Community & Cultural events
- Social & Emotional Wellbeing Fact sheets
- WellMob, Social & Emotional Wellbeing resources
- Yarn it out! Article
- Keeping Safe Online
3. Keeping Active & Fit
Active Tasks
- Join local/school sports team
- Join a Koorie sports club
- Attend Koorie sports carnivals
- Make time for exercise during the week
- Learn a traditional game that you can play with your community
Supporting Resources
- Yulunga Traditional Indigenous Games
- The Fitzroy Stars (website)
- The Fitzroy Stars (Facebook page)
- Melbourne Aboriginal Youth Sport and Recreation Co-Operative
- The Rumbalara Football & Netball Club
- Clothing the Gaps Foundation
- Koorie Basketball Academy
- Wellah Workout Series
- Move It Mob Style (Dance Exercise videos)
4. Get enough sleep
Active Tasks
- Understand the importance of healthy sleep
- Understand the healthy habits that help promote quality sleep
Supporting Resources
5. Have clean healthy teeth
Active Tasks
- Understand the importance of having healthy teeth
- Understand how to properly brush your teeth
- Book regular dentist appointments
Supporting Resources
- Building Strong Teeth - Visual flip chart
- Dental services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (Victoria)

Image source: Condoman & Lubelicious
5. Have clean healthy teeth
Active Tasks
- Understand the importance of having healthy teeth
- Understand how to properly brush your teeth
- Book regular dentist appointments
Supporting Resources
- Building Strong Teeth - Visual flip chart
- Dental services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (Victoria)
6. Stand strong against racism
Active Tasks
- Learning to walk away
- Develop Self-care practices
- Tell your parents or caregivers about racism that’s being experienced
- Tell teacher (if happening at school)
- Find creative outputs to express feelings (music, art, painting, photography, videography)
Supporting Resources
- Responding to Racism (It Stops With Me)
- Responding to Racism (Beyond Blue)
- Deadly & Proud YouTube channel
- Racial Vilification Laws Victoria
7. Drug & Alcohol Awareness
Active Tasks
- Educate yourself on the different substances and what they do to your body.
- Understand the effects it has on Community
- Understand smoking the financial & health costs involved.
- Having support services & people to go too
Supporting Resources
- WellMob, Smoking Resources
- WellMob, Alcohol Resources
- WellMob, Drug Resources
- Cost of Smoking Calculator
- Aboriginal Quitline
- Ngwala Willumbong Aboriginal Corporation (specialist drug & alcohol rehab support)
- Bunjilwarra Youth Rehab
8. Sexual Identity
Active Tasks
- Understanding the different terms
- Understanding the history of the different communities
- Understand your own body
- Understand the difference between gender identity and sexual identity
- Identify LGBTQIA+ Elders and other safe people (i.e. Brother boys & Sister girls) to connect and yarn with
- Be aware of different support services
Supporting Resources
9. Sexual Health
Active Tasks
- Understand what Safe Sex is
- Understand what Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) are
- Understand the role of Shame
- Understand what consent is
Supporting Resources
- Condoman & Lubelicious
- Young Deadly Free YouTube Channel
- First Nations Sexual Health Information Page
- STI Fact Sheets
- STI Information brochure
10. Healthy Relationships
Active Tasks
- Understand Consent
- Understand the red flags that make a relationship unhealthy
- Be aware of the Services & Support lines for if you are feeling unsafe
Supporting Resources
- WellMob, Healthy Relationships Resources
- Music Video on Healthy Relationships
- Djirra (Women's Support Service)
- 1800 Respect
- Being Safe Online
Downloadable Resources
Download and print the resources below.
Guide to Healthy Eating - Wall Chart
Eat different types of foods from the five food groups every day. Drink plenty of water. [Source:]Download
Healthy, Deadly Lunch Boxes!
These cards are full of great ideas for different foods and snacking options that you can have in your lunch box to make it healthy and nutritious.Download
Building Strong Teeth - Visual flip chart
A visual flip chart that explains the importance of keeping your teeth clean and how to do this. [Source: Queensland Health]Download
Dental services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
A dental services brochure produced by The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne for First Nations people residing in Victoria.Download
Sexually Transmitted Infections Guide (VACCHO)
The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation has created a Infection information guide which breaks down each of the different infections which can result when we don’t take safe, preventative measures when engaging in intimate relations.Download