The Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI) is the peak Koorie community organisation for education and training in Victoria.
The Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI) aims to fight for a ‘holistic education system that genuinely and authentically reflects and respects our prime place in this nation’s history and culture’.
VAEAIs functions are:
- ADOVACY - VAEAI advocate for our community by representing their views at the local, state, regional and national level.
- ADVICE - VAEAI advises governments and the education system of ways to improve the outcomes and education experiences of Koorie students. They also regularly advise our community of important issues and opportunities in Koorie education.
- POLICY AND MARKETING - VAEAI monitors current issues and trends in education and training. Our community provides perspectives and real time updates about what is happening in Koorie education.
- CELEBRATING SUCCESS - Celebrating successes in Koorie education and training, also serves as a way of informing our community about the opportunities available.

Image Source: VAEAI Painting
VAEAI was first established as the Victorian Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (VAECG) in 1976. VAECG aimed to increase the presence and voice of Koorie people in education and decision making.
In 1985 VAECG registered as the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI). Following this change, in 1990, a formal partnership was established between VAEAI and the Victorian State Government. VAEAI went on to register as an industry Training Advisory Board in 1994 and VAEAI’s first Koorie State Training Plan for the Vocational Education and Training sector is published.

Image Source: VAEAI Facebook
Today VAEAI represents the Koorie Community in relation to education policy development and strategic programming at the local, state and national levels. They support the provision of education and training that reinforces our community’s cultural identity and increases awareness in the wider community of Koorie culture and aspirations in education and training.
VAEAI continues to contribute and be involved with the communities that spread across the state of Victoria. They also have an early years unit, schools unit, VET, higher education and training unit, and Universities unit.